SEONitro is the BOMB

Yep, it is, the bomb and we have a patent on this software, all you have to do is go to - to see.

Description: Google drills into our head ‘content is king’ and it better be original! So in our closed Facebook group (that you can get into if you join) we stared testing different ways to make an image unique in the eyes of Google. (ie. reversing it, different filters,) which you also get the results of when you join us, but then we though, wait, does Google even really care? So we decided to put it to the test and created pages that had unique images and put them up against pages with stock images. So this test is: Unique Image vs Stock Photo which will Google like more? (this is a smack your forehead you wont believe it reveal and will save you a butt load of time and money)
Length: 2.45

[Test #35] Does Naturally Written Title & Meta Tags Get a Better CTR Than Keyword Stuffed in the SERPs?
Description: This was a REALLY interesting result but more importantly you will learn how you can test this for yourself or your clients to come up with the best written tags for the SERPS. Hint- you use a human testing service to rule out any bias.
Length: 17.42

[Test #17] Optimizing Meta Titles
Description: We know that meta titles are critical SEO element. Another Moz Whiteboard Friday assertion is that a meta title optimized for a click will beat a meta title that is optimized for a keyword. Since we have long put our keywords in our Title, we needed to see if MOZ was correct or not so we put it to the test and the answer will amaze you.